This beautiful stone is rare, found only in Czechoslovakia. Moldavite's origin, coincides with the crash of a large meteorite approximately 14.8 million years ago in what is now the Bohemian plateau. The rock metamorphosed by the heat of impact created a strew field of Moldavite in the two, mostly rural, areas of Bohemia and Moravia. Moldavite is a member of the Tektite group of natural glasses formed from interplanetary collisions. Moldavite is a talisman sent to Earth for spiritual awakening, transformation and evolutionary growth. It facilitates strong, clear, and direct connection between one's consciousness and the Universal Source. With its own cosmic oversoul, Moldavite has an ability to connect with Ascended Masters and cosmic messengers, and draw into the Earth plane those thought patterns and light vibrations which are most beneficial for ascension and illumination.
(this listing is for one piece of natural Moldavite, approximately 1" x 0.5" in size, hand selected intuitively just for you).
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